Claims Pledge

A malpractice claim is a distressing experience. We have designed the SIMED Claims Pledge methodology to support you through all the stages of this difficult journey. You can count on our partnership, support, and expertise from beginning to end.


Each case is unique. We will assemble your defense team and develop a solid strategic plan.
Our Pledge
Strong partnership with holistic support throughout the process.

Fact Finding

Thorough discovery and preparation.
Our Pledge
Unparalleled experience. Your team will always be at your side.

Decision making

Integration and analysis of facts and data-driven scenarios.
Our Pledge
You will be empowered to select the best course of action.

Wrap-up and Review

Assessment of the process. How did we do?
Our Pledge
Closure. Ongoing Risk Management support.

Teamwork Powered by Expertise

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