


We want you to focus on what matters: your PATIENTS’ HEALTH.

With our primary policy, we insure the risks of your profession and protect your financial stability so you can continue your practice without interruption.



SIMED is your BEST RESOURCE when it comes to protecting your practice, reputation, and financial stability.
To further extend your protection, we offer our excess policy with total limits of up to $3 million in your annual aggregate when combined with your primary policy. *Subject to Approval

Please refer to the Policy for a complete description of its Terms and Conditions.


We will be pleased to provide you with a quote or premium estimate tailored to your practice!
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Podiatra Icon
Declaration and Consent

*Subject to Approval


Our policyholders enjoy benefits, consulting and information that help them protect and advance their practice.
Practice Management

SIMED’s Practice Management Consultants help you understand your risks and work with you to develop preventive and corrective strategies.

Continuing Education

Continue learning with our innovative Risk Management and Patient Safety education platform.

Data HUB

Analysis of SIMED's extensive database to generate insights and strategies.

Claims Pledge

A medical malpractice claim can be a distressing experience. Should you receive a claim, we’ve designed the SIMED Claims Pledge methodology to support you through every stage of this challenging process.

Online services
Convenient management of your account and 24/7 access to valuable resources.
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Solicita Tu Acceso

Llena el formulario a continuación para solicitar acceso a nuestra plataforma Knowledge Sharing Community.

Luego de completar la solicitud recibirás una confirmación por email en las próximas 48 horas.
Ya tienes cuenta? Accede Aqui.