Notice and Terms of Use

Access to and use of this website implies your express knowledge and acceptance of the following terms of use and policies. Please read these terms and policies carefully before using this website.

The material and information on this website are provided “AS IS” and without warranties of any kind, either express or implied. No representation or warranty is made regarding content, functionality, links or communications, and there is no representation or warranty as to defects, errors or correctness thereof, communication interruptions, interceptors or loss of data, or the absence of viruses or other harmful components.

In no event shall SIMED be liable to any party for any costs or damages, including direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages, arising out of or related to access to, use of, or inability to access or use this portal or any of its functions or features, including in connection with any browsing or downloading of any information, data, text, images or other material accessible through SIMEDPR.COM or any website linked or linking to SIMEDPR.COM.

When accessing or using any part of this portal you shall not:

Post or transmit any unlawful, threatening, abusive, libelous, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, profane or otherwise objectionable information of any kind, including, but not limited to, any transmissions that constitute or encourage criminal conduct, give rise to civil liability or violate any national or international law;
Post or transmit any information or software that contains a virus, worm, Trojan horse or other harmful component;
Interfere with the operation of or restrict or inhibit any other user from using this portal;
Publish, transmit, reproduce, distribute or exploit any information, software or other material obtained through for commercial purposes without the prior written consent of SIMED;
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Use logos, product or service marks, icons or images contained in this portal. The material contained in this portal is the property of SIMED. Any unauthorized use of the material may violate copyright laws, trademark laws, privacy and publicity laws and communications regulations and statutes.


For the purposes of this policy:
Company – Means SIMED
Clients – Means Insureds, Claimants and Prospective Insureds

Security Policy

The Company protects the confidentiality of the personal information it obtains about you, including through its cyber portal, by maintaining the necessary physical and electronic security measures, as required by law.

To internally protect its Clients' information, the Company limits access to your information only to employees who need to use it to provide you with the service we market or when necessary to comply with any regulation, court order, federal or state law that requires it.

At the Company, we hold our employees accountable for compliance with our privacy policy and take the applicable disciplinary measures in accordance with our Employee Manual.

Privacy Policy

The information received from our Clients is a necessary element to provide the excellent service that the Company offers to its Clients.

The security and confidentiality of personal information, as well as the careful handling of it, respecting the privacy of our Clients, is of utmost importance to us.

Type of information we collect:

Information provided by you voluntarily to us or any of our authorized representatives or brokers in connection with obtaining any insurance service or product. Typically the information collected is your name, address, telephone number, email, social security number, license number or place where you will provide your medical-hospital services. From such information, your occupation, economic condition or hobby could be inferred.

Information about transactions or actions carried out with us related to policy coverage, premium, claim number, claim files, claim history, insurance transaction history. These examples of the type of information we collect are illustrative and should not be considered a complete inventory of our information collection.

Shared personal information:

The Company does not share the personal information of its Clients.

As an exception, and as permitted by law, we may share the above information with persons or companies that provide the services we offer to our Clients on our behalf. We may also share such information with companies that perform services for our company during marketing campaigns for our products or services. We only share with these persons, companies or businesses the information that is strictly necessary to achieve our marketing objectives and offer the aforementioned service.

We require these persons, companies or businesses, by written contract, to maintain strict confidentiality of the information and limit its use to the purposes for which it was provided.

Information about past clients:

The Company does not share personal information about its past Clients except as permitted by law.

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